Water Baptism
One of the first steps a new Christian should take is to be baptized in water. It is intended to be an essential part of the spiritual foundation of all Christians, not done because someone else has done it, but rather as an act of obedience. At the time of a believer’s baptism in water, they are outwardly affirming the inward commitment they have made to Jesus Christ as their savior. It is a sign of a change of heart, of cleansing, and of turning from one way of life to a new way of living. Water Baptism by immersion is a requirement for church membership. It is not necessary to have this done again if you were baptized in this manner (immersion) at another church.
1. Who should be baptized?
Every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior should be baptized. (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38-39, 41, Acts 8:12-13, Mark 16:16)
2. At what age should children be baptized?
At Calvary Open Bible, we believe that parents should wait until they feel their children are mature enough to make the decision on their own of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is very important that children are making the decision to get baptized on their own and completely understand the true meaning of it so as they become an adult, the memory of their baptism experience will stay with them. Generally speaking, we have found this occurs for most children in the range of 8 to 10 years of age and older. When in doubt, please feel free to contact us to help you determine if your child is mature enough to make this decision on their own.
3. When should I be baptized?
As soon as you have believed in Christ and have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. There is no reason to delay. As soon as you have made the decision to follow Jesus Christ, you can and should be baptized. (Acts 2:41)
If you wait until you are “perfect” you’ll never feel that you measure up or are good enough. (Acts 8:35-38)
4. What is the meaning of being baptized?
As Christians, it helps us to identify with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
It illustrates our new life as a Christian. When someone becomes a Christian he or she becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
By our baptism then, we were buried with Him and shared His death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead…so also we may live a new life! (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12)
It is important to note that getting baptized doesn’t make you a believer; it shows that you already are a believer in Jesus Christ. Baptism does not “save” you or assure you of eternal life, only your faith in Christ can do that for you. (Ephesians 2:2-9)
Baptism is like a wedding ring; it’s the outward symbol of the commitment you have already made in your heart so that others can see it.
5. Why be baptized by “immersion”?
The word “baptism” is derived from the Greek word “baptize,” which literally translated means “to dip under, immerse.”
Jesus set the example for all of His followers when He was baptized in this manner. (Matthew 3:16)
There are a number of other examples in the Bible where a person was baptized by immersion, such as the man Philip baptized in Acts 8:38-39.
Also, it is the best way to symbolize a burial and resurrection.
6. How can I REGISTER to be baptized?
If you should have any questions or concerns prior to completing the application, either call the church office (937) 236-3692, or email office@calvaryobc.org. We are excited that you are interested in baptism. We believe that baptism is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as his or her Savior.
What to bring
- A change of clothes.
- Bring a plastic bag for your wet clothes.
- Bring a towel to dry off and a brush.
- Women, bring an appropriate dark colored top to wear.
- Men and women, please wear black or dark colored knee length shorts, or it you don't have dark shorts, - please wear long dark jeans. (No light colors).
Be sure to invite your family and friends. This is a celebration of God’s work in you life… share it with those you love!